Sleek Blue

Product Details:
In Stock: 92
Product Code: H-18


This is another New Edition to my range, I am calling this one 'Sleek Blue'.  In action it starts off floating then dives on the retrieve, it has a great wiggle and feels lovely as it cuts through the water.  This is one of our larger and heavy lures at nearly 15cm long and 27g.  This is for big predators, big pike in fresh water and can be used in the sea off the rocks for Pollock or cod.

I have tested this out and love the action on it, the colours are just lovely and its a great streamlined lure that is for the serious predator hunter.
Casts like a dream.

'Sleek Blue'
A perfectly balanced shape, for super long-range casting. Neutral buoyancy to let it hang suspended in front of fish, and drives them crazy. Fitted with top quality hooks and split rings. 

Body length 140mm
Weight 27g
Rattle? Yes
Material Hollow plastic
Working depth Surface & 3 to 5ft

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